RFP Funding Opportunities

Funding Opportunity
First 5 Marin is reviewing Request for Proposals (RFP) submitted for fiscal years 2024-27 with a total community investment potential of one million dollars in the first year. Year two and three investments will be determined by overall funding availability. (Our intention is to continue funding for projects approved in year one through year two and three, as needed, dependent on First 5 Marin’s revenue stream and meeting the agreed upon deliverables).  
The First 5 Marin leadership team has reviewed all proposals submitted by the March 25 deadline. Selection will be announced in May.
Information for RFP Process:
The passcode for the Workshop Video is 9e6!PF#g and the password for the Tech Help Video is Q5c^11T=
This RFP process will:
  1. Prioritize children ages 0-to-5 (prenatal through kindergarten).
  2. Include proposals and programs for parents and families.
  3. Directly address the reality of First 5 Marin’s declining revenue by focusing resources on current community needs.
  4. Align with First 5 Marin’s Strategic Plan and Equity Statement.
  5. Focus on community impact and champion successful or promising projects, programs and practices.
Strategic Plan and Equity Statement
Who may apply:
  1. Current funded partners, previously funded partners.
  2. Nonprofits and government programs serving Marin children 0-5, including proposals serving parents and families of children 0-5.
  3. Any group/collaborations and organizations working to improve support for children and families in areas such as: early childhood mental/physical health and wellness; early childhood education and school readiness; childcare solutions (for children, families, providers); parent education and advocacy efforts; family support programs; developmental playgroups; collaborative efforts to improve systems of education or care for young children.
  4. All proposals will need to address specific funding criteria focusing on equity and impact.
Priority focus areas for funding:
  1. Child Care Solutions (for children, families, providers)
  2. Children’s Mental Health, Physical Health & Wellness
  3. School Readiness (child, parents, programs/systems)
  4. Family Support and Parent-Led Advocacy
  5. Maternal/Infant Support (prenatal/pregnancy, birth, postpartum/infant)
  6. Collaborative efforts to improve systems of education or care for young children and their families
Key Dates:
Jan 25, 2024: RFP released
Feb 15, 2024: RFP Workshop for questions & answers
Mar 25, 2024: Deadline for applications
First half of May: Notification of approval
Jul 1, 2024: Award of funds