Meetings & Events

Commission Meetings
Upcoming Meetings

1/8/25 Commission Meeting

4:00 pm - 6:00 pmDownload PDF

The First 5 Marin Children and Families Commission usually meets on the second Wednesday of the month from 4:00 to 6:00 pm (except July, August and December).  The agenda always includes time for public comment and we encourage parents, providers and our community partners to attend and participate. All meetings can be accessed online via Zoom.

Our next regular meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 8, 2025. Starting in 2025, the Commission meetings will move to a new address:  3240 Kerner Blvd, Room 109, San Rafael.  For those who cannot attend in person (or would like additional information on the agenda items), please contact for the Zoom link.
The dates for the 2025 Commission Meetings through June 2025 are as follows: 1/8/25, 2/12/25, 3/12/25, 4/9/25, 5/14/25 and 6/11/25. Click here for a full list of Commission meetings.


Marin Communications Forum

Every month, the Marin Communications Forum offers public policy presentations on issues of interest to government and non-profit leaders and their staff, funders, educators, community service providers and parents.  These are interactive events and are always free to the public. 


Please email to get more information to register for an event.  For a list of upcoming topics, please visit the Facebook events page.

Help Me Grow Marin

Help Me Grow Marin connects parents, physicians and providers with information and resources to help children learn, grow and thrive— with personal support for families.

Contact Susanne at for more information.